
Nekodigi’s diary

Programming, Art, Travel and etc...

【OpenSCAD】Parametric Design with Voronoi, Twist, Packing


Parametric design is beautiful and occasionally used in modern architecture. They are made possible by programming but the software generally used in production is expensive except for OpenSCAD. In this article, we will introduce complex designs created with less than 200 lines of code.


So many methods can be used for parametric design as I listed below.

Actually used

  • Complex shape crop with dxf data.
  • Perlin noise
  • Voronoi diagram
  • Twist

    Planning to use

  • Snowflake algorithm
  • Terrain generation algorithm
  • Differential growth
  • L system
  • Tsugite(Joint)
  • Delauney diagram
  • Bezier curve
  • Icosphere
  • Tiling
  • Fluid
  • Japanese art style


    I have created more than 10 designs and all of them are included in the Github repository, but I will detail especially good ones.

    Maple with Circle packing

    I cropped maple with circle packing output from dotSCAD.

    Maple with Voronoi

    Maple leaf with Voronoi diagram cropping.

    Perlin Noise

    The plane with the Perlin noise height shift.

    Twisted Mesh

    Twisted tower with mesh surface.

    Extrude with twist

    Instead of twisting existing mesh. This shape is created with linear extrusion with a twist, so a spiral shape can be seen if you look at it from the top view.

    Spiral stick vase

    This shape is made of straight lines, but the rotation of sticks forms a curve as a whole.

    Voronoi rock

    Appling linear extrude end with scale 0 for every cell in Voronoi with the origin of its core point, they will create a corn shape and look like rocks.

    Organic Voronoi

    The subtraction of hexagon pillars to Voronoi already makes quite interesting shapes like the cells of the creature. However, controlling the height of each corn with the Perlin noise makes it even more organic design.

Source code


Further plan

Cripping with familiar motifs like Maple turned out to be really effective in making the design more eye-catching. I will continue to use distinguished and beautiful patterns in my design.
Also, the dynamic shape with small details such as fractals was also a good way to simulate complexity or nature.
Printing the 3D data reminded me of the importance of utility and portability of the product, so I will keep it small and useful not just visually attractive.
Even though smooth corner can be seen many part of my design, there aren't any thing like flow of wind which has seamless curve.


The repository is constantly updated as new works are created. These are a few of the works that were recently added. Please refer to the GitHub repository for the latest OpenSCAD code.

Other works